Research into link between Cabin Air and Health issues
Researchers at the University of
Stirling in the UK have conducted
research in which a study into the
health of aircrew who are suspected
of exposure to contaminated air
during their careers was undertaken.
The results of the study were
published in the World Health
Organisation journal Public Health
Scientists examined the health of
more than 200 aircrew who had a
‘clear pattern’ of acute and chronic
Aircrew who took part in the
research reported headaches
and dizziness as well as breathing
and vision problems.
Dr Susan Michaelis from the
university's occupational and
environmental health research
group explains that the research
provides very significant findings
relevant to all aircraft workers and
passengers globally.
She explains that the study indicates
a ‘clear link’ between being exposed
to the air on flights and a variety of
health issues.
"There is a clear cause-and-effect
relationship linking health effects
to a design feature that allows the
aircraft air supply to become
contaminated by engine oils and
other fluids in normal flight,” she says
"This is a clear occupational and
public health issue with direct
flight-safety consequences."
The researchers conducted two
independent surveys to review
the circumstances and symptoms
of crew working on aircraft. The
symptoms were then confirmed
using medical diagnoses.
One test looked at pilots' health
and showed 88% were aware of
exposure to aircraft-contaminated
air. Almost 65% reported specific
health effects, while 13% had died
or experienced chronic ill health.
Prof Vyvyan Howard, from the
University of Ulster in Northern
Ireland, said the effects of the
contaminated air could also
apply to frequent fliers, though
this would be to a lesser extent.
"We know from a large body of
toxicological scientific evidence that
such an exposure pattern can cause
harm and, in my opinion, explains
why aircrew are more susceptible
than average to associated illness,"
he said.
He goes on to explain that exposure
to this complex mixture should
also be avoided where possible by
passengers, susceptible individuals
and unborn children.”